Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto) is Slovenian non-governmental and humanitarian organisation, working in the public interest in the area of social care, youth and culture. Our mission is to contribute to more inclusive and open society for all. Our two leading programs therefore deal with inclusion of socially excluded groups and with the stimulation of the NGO development and civil dialogue. Our activities within the programs are performed by expert and voluntary work. We promote the values of solidarity, tolerance, voluntarism, active living, clean environment, citizenship awareness and inter-cultural dialogue, citizens participation. DRPDNM has 25 years of experience in education, youth, citizens, migrants, refugees, woman, families, workers, NEETs, Roma, empowerment, international cooperation, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, intercultural competencies, sport, advocacy, international cooperation, rural development, health, hate speech, sustainable development, professions in history, culture and art, unemployment, disadvantaged groups empowerment, trainings, seminars, conferences, workshops and other activities that serve the goals of your projects.
DRPDNM is skilled in local, regional, national and international projects as it deals with projects funded by local, national and EU programmes and funds (ESF, EACEA, EIDHR, EYF, E+, CEI, IPA, BIFC, JUST, H2020, URBACT, DAPHNE III, INTERREG, INTERREG MED, INTERREG DANUBE, CENTRAL ALPINE SPACE, EuropeAid…). We cooperate on daily basis with Slovenian and EU CSOs, Universities, Municipalities, Private and public institutions, R&Ds, SMEs, … DRPDNM also coordinates the REGIONAL NGO CENTRE. The goal is to encourage better development of NGOs, private institutions, their skills and public image and their cooperation with Local authorities, Universities, development centres, other public institutions. Target group: cca. 1.500 NGOs and 21 Municipalities in the region Southeastern Slovenia.
Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
Rozmanova ulica 9, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
Contact person: Mitja Bulovec
E-mail: mitja.bukovec@drpdnm.org
Telephone: +386 73 939 210
Web: http://www.nevladnik.info/si